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主要从事非线性分析、模糊分析、广义系统控制、模糊系统控制等领域的理论研究。主持完成包括国家自然科学基金项目在内的各类科研项目10余项,目前主持在研国家自然科学基金项目“模糊拟范数空间理论及其应用研究”;在《中国科学》、《数学学报》、《应用数学学报》、《数学进展》、《系统科学与数学》、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《Information Sciences》等国内外著名刊物上发表学术论文130余篇,所得成果曾获省科技进步三等奖和市科技进步三等奖。
1. Hahn-Banach type theorems and the separation of convex sets for fuzzy quasi-normed spaces, AIMS Mathematics,2022。
2. Caristi’s fixed point theorem, Ekeland’s variational principle and Takahashi’s maximization theorem in fuzzy quasi-metric spaces,Topology and its Applications,2021。
3. On metrization of the topologies induced by fuzzy metrics,Journal of Mathematics,2020。
4. The net with applications for continuity in a fuzzy soft topological space,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2020。
5. Lusin's theorem for monotone set-valued measures on topological spaces,Fuzzy sets and Systems, 2019。
6. A note on Ulam stability of some fuzzy number-valued functional equations,Fuzzy sets and Systems, 2019。
7. The pseudo-convergence of measurable functions on set-valued fuzzy measure space. Soft Computing, 2018。
8. Atoms of monotone set-valued measures and integrals,Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2016。
9. Overlapped groupwise dimension reduction, Science China, Mathematics, 2016。
10. 《集值分析及其在微分包含、模糊分析中的应用》,兰州大学出版社,2005。