籍 贯:安徽芜湖
最高学历、学位: 研究生、博士
职 称: 副教授
电子邮箱: jinhailin17@163.com
主要研究领域为凸几何分析。在凸体对称度研究中,给出了n维等宽体Minkowski非对称度分布定理,证明了正则单形完备体是最不对称的等宽体。该方面的结果被收录到3本凸几何专著中: 《Convex bodies: the Brunn-Minkowski theory》第二版(2014 R. Schneider), 《Measures of symmetry for convex sets and stability》 (2015 G. Toth)以及《Bodies of Constant Width》 (2019 H. Martini, L. Montejano D. Oliveros)。在凸体的Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski理论研究中率先证明了凸体的Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski不等式,以及对偶Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski不等式。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目5项,主持江苏省自然科学基金面上项目1项。在Advances in Math., Discrete Comput. Geom.,Proceedings of A.M.S., Geom. Dedicata, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B., Math. Inequal. Appl., Acta Math. Sin. ( Engl. Ser.), Taiwan. J. Math.,J. Geom., Beitr. Algebra Geom., J. Geom.等国际国内期刊正式发表学术论文26篇,其中11篇论文被SCI检索。论文The Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski inequality(Advances in Math. 2014)入选ESI高被引论文。
[1] Q.Y. Chen, P.W. Hou, H.L. Jin, Diameter and circumradius of reduced spherical polygons, Beitr Algebra Geom., DOI: 10/1007/s13366-023-00727-6.
[2] Q.Y. Chen, B. Chen, H.L. Jin, The circumradius of planar reduced convex bodies, J. Geom., (2023) 114: 6.
[3] P.W. Hou, H.L. Jin, The Minkowski measure of asymmetry for spherical bodies of constant width, Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci., 27(2022), no.5,367-371.
[4] D.D. Lai, H.L. Jin, The phi-Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for general convex bodies, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex., 27(2021), 78.
[5] D.D. Lai, H.L. Jin, p-Minkowski type measures of asymmetry for convex bodies, Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci., 26(2021), no.4,315-323.
[6] D.D. Lai, H.L. Jin, The dual Brunn–Minkowski inequality for log-volume of star bodies, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2021: 112.
[7] H.L. Jin, Electrostatic capacity and measure of asymmetry, Proceedings of A.M.S., 147(2019), 4007-4019.
[8] H.L. Jin, The log-Minkowski measure of asymmetry for convex bodies, Geom. Dedicata,196 (2018), 27–34.
[9] X.Y. Zhou, H.L. Jin*, Critical chords of convex bodies of constant width, Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci., 23 (2018), 461-464.
[10] P.Z. Guo, H.L. Jin*, Groemer-Wallen measure of asymmetry for Reuleaux Polygons, J. Geom. 108 (2017), 879–884.
[11] H.L. Jin, Asymmetry of Reuleaux Polygons, Beitr. Algebra Geom., 58(2017) , 311–317.
[12] H.L. Jin, S.F. Yuan, G.S. Leng, On the dual Orlicz mixed volumes, Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B., 36(2015), no. 6, 1019-1026.
[13] S.F. Yuan, H.L Jin, G.S. Leng, Orlicz Geominimal surface areas, Math. Inequal. Appl., 18(2015), 353-362
[14] H.L. Jin, Asymmetry for convex bodies of revolution, Wuhan Univ. J. Nat. Sci., 20(2015), no.2, 97-100. DOI 10.1007/s11859-015-1065-1.
[15] 袁淑峰, 金海林, 一些几何不等式的等价性, 上海大学学报(自然科学版), 25(2015). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-2861.2014.01.043
[16] H.L. Jin, G.S. Leng, Q. Guo, Mixed volumes and measures of asymmetry, Acta Math. Sin. ( Engl. Ser.), 30(2014), 1905-1916.
[17] H.L. Jin, Q. Guo,The mean Minkowski measures for convex bodies of constant width, Taiwan. J. Math., 18(2014), 1283-1291.
[18] H.L. Jin, S. F. Yuan, A sharp Rogers-Shephard type inequality for Orlicz-difference body of planar convex bodies, Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 124(2014), no. 4, 573-580.
[19] D.M. Xi, H.L Jin, G.S. Leng, The Orlicz Brunn-Minkowski inequality, Adv. Math., 260(2014), 350-374.
[20] H.L. Jin, On the 1-measure of asymmetry for convex bodies of constant width, Beitr. Algebra Geom. 55(2014), no. 1, 201-206.
[21] H.L.Jin, G.S.Leng, Q. Guo, Orlicz metrics of convex bodies, Bol. Soc. Mat. Mex., 20(2014), 49-56.
[22] H.L. Jin, G. Leng, Q. Guo, Stability for the Minkowski measure of convex domains of constant width, J. Geom. 104(2013), 505-513.
[23] H.L. Jin, Q. Guo, A note on the extremal bodies of constant width for the Minkowski measure, Geom. Dedicata,164(2013), 227-229.
[24] H.L. Jin, Q. Guo, Asymmetry of convex bodies of constant width, Discrete Comput. Geom. 47 (2012), 415-423.
[25] Q. Guo, H.L. Jin, On a measure of asymmetry for Reuleaux polygons, J. Geom., 102 (2011), 73–79.
[26] H.L. Jin, Q. Guo, On the asymmetry for convex domains of constant width, Comm. Math. Res. 26(2010), 176-182.